Jody Jones Jody Jones

GrandAce Rewind: Virtual Memory Unit

We are more than halfway through the year and I’m quickly losing track of time. Rather than let it keep escaping me, I wanted to jump back and appreciate some of the progress that I’ve been able to make this year. To start I wanted to note:

Virtual Memory Unit EP

This 5-song project is my little dreamscape of joy and solemn emption that I’ve been feeling the last two years. The goal behind it was to be a means of escape into this digital world; interconnected with all kinds of other inconceivable worlds. This body of work is a standout to me as I’ve never jumped this far into playing with melody and soundscapes. Definitely plan on giving this some more love as I get more access to resources in the future, but until then, I hope you yourself have enjoyed it!

grandace in a yard somewhere

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